Our mission is to continue within the framework of our activities, particularly for Maison Boinaud.

Goals 1
To promote and preserve biodiversity

Goals 2
To take action against global warming

Goals 3
To support the development of our employees

Maison Boinaud

This is why we have drawn up an ambitious CSR policy, as we believe that success goes hand in hand with the considerable responsibility of preparing for the future.

The extent of our vineyard provides us with complete freedom to relentlessly experiment in terms of viticultural innovation, under the guidance of our Research and Development team.

We are particularly proud to have reached a considerable milestone in our social and environmental approach: in December 2021, our group was officially recognized as a “Société à Mission” (benefit corporation/social entreprise).

Maison Boinaud

· Reduction of chemical pesticides in our vineyards
· Research on alternative distillation methods to reduce our carbon footprint
· Development of biodiversity within our vineyard

See our certifications
- ISO 9001 management de l’environnement
- ISO 14001 management de l’environnement
- ISO 45001 management de la santé sécurité au travail
- Certification environnementale cognac (CEC)
- HVE haute valeur environnementale